Hey everyone!
Alright so. January Activity Check is over and we lost a lot of you. But everyone gets busy, if you want to come back and still want your character, you will have to make a new account but I swear your bio and everything has been saved in the archives. I hope activity around here picks up soon so I'm not talking to myself. OTL -Admin Bethany
#002. DEC 17.
Hey everyone!
If there's any other admins out there... I think I'm the only one left... *ahem*
Quick link to the face claim and the setting has finally been updated! Hopefully in adding an update I don't kill coding cause I've been lucky so far. :x -Admin Bethany
#001. NOV 06.
Hey everyone!
Grand Reopening today :D Feel free to check out the site and ask any questions in the cbox ^^;
The skin was done by Storm and Piper. Thank you, Piper, for the scrolling banner and banner design, and sidebar design. Static sidebar by Kismet of RPG Directory. Templates and board images, as well as the board, profile, mini-profile, and information board remodels all by Storm. Banner image from Tumblr and sidebar image from Google, edited by Storm. No stealing please. All emoticons in the cbox are from here
please, remember to log into each of your accounts daily, even if you don't plan to post. Thank you!
Welcome to Easier to Lie, small town roleplay set in Modesto, CA. Modesto is a very diverse town, with ranges in ethnicity, social class, and almost any other aspect you could think of. We have a minimum word count of 150 words, but we get that people may sometimes have bad days. Feel free to join on us the c-box, in the next tab over!
Change display name to FIRST M. LAST, in all caps.